what is the difference between grey short hair and short grey hair???
and can we say a piece of hair???
please help me!!!
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
1) Adjectives in a series go from the most general to the most specific. You can say "grey, short hair" and have grammatical justification for it, but it sounds funny to my ear. "Short, grey hair" is more usual.
2) A piece of hair is imprecise. Don't know whether you mean a single hair (also called "a hair") or a lock of hair.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
say what ever you like, its a free country
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
nothing, no one is really grading your grammar and if there's an English teacher who corrects your grammar, tell them to "shove it and get a life"
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
A short grey hair ir on top of your head, a grey short hair is on your below head
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
the two mean the same thing, but short gray hair sounds better. and if you say a piece of hair, you're talking about one hair, not all the hair on your head, so you can say, i have short gray hair if all your hair is gray or if only one hair on your head is gray, you say, i have a gray hair... im not sure if that'll help, but i hope so
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
yes why not
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
ok this is a weird quetion. I prefer short grey hair, but grey short hair would probably work, and a piece of hair is definintly ok.
Wow, i hope nobody's life depends on my answer!
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
say what ever you want nobody charges you for that? right!
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
grey short hair sounds like you're describing a cat.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
yep and yep.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
the difference is the grammatical error. in the order of adjectives, the size (tall, short, etc.) comes before the color (black, blue, etc.)
it should be short grey hair.
instead of saying "a piece" use "a strand of hair".
hope this is enough :)
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
you can say whatever u want who said its right
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
I don't think it makes a difference.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
either or. its the same.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
Say whatever feels right. The english language is very flexible.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
This really depends on the interpretaion, but you should really say short grey hair, as it agrees with the order of adjectives.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
"Short, grey hair" sounds correct -- I teach this as the correct order, although I cannot truly cite an authority for it. You can say "a piece of hair." Note: The more accomplished a writer you are, the more latitude you have with grammatical rules. Good question.
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
a grey short hair is a hair thats always short and it is grey
a short grey hair is only short at the moment
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
grey short hair has the emphasis on grey. short grey hair has the emphasis on short. A piece of hair would be used in ..having a piece of hair cut off .
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
Whichever way you say it:The hair is grey and it is short.
Hair comes in individual hairs. Duh! I am confused now!
So a piece of hair is of 1 hair.It can't be a piece of hairs.
WHAT grade is this for.I knew I should have gone to bed.But I had to do just one more answer.LOl,Lol
Can we say grey short hair indstead of short grey hair???
No, there are very specific ways that adjectives must be ordered in front of nouns. Ordering them another way results in an ungrammatical (non-native sounding) sentence. The best discussion I have ever seen on this is in The ELT Grammar Book by Firsten with Killiam.
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