everytime i wake up or get woken by a sting in my eye, i would always have a piece of hair in my eye...and would need to race off to the bathroom to get it out...
is it normal, or am i lacking nutrients/minerals?, what can cure it? its annoying
Is there a way to prevent my eyelashes or hair particles from falling intoi my eye?
You may need to add some protein to your diet. Also try using a lash conditioner before bedtime. I think long lashes on a guy are very sexy. It's not fair how guys get long lashes by nature and girls have to wear make up. The conditioner will make lashes healthy but it won't look like mascara.
Is there a way to prevent my eyelashes or hair particles from falling intoi my eye?
wer glasses duh
Is there a way to prevent my eyelashes or hair particles from falling intoi my eye?
sounds like you are doing drag at night. If you are a drag queen with alot of fake eyelashes and mascara that would make alot more since.
visine maybe.
Is there a way to prevent my eyelashes or hair particles from falling intoi my eye?
omigosh!!! i have been having the same problem! geeze. it gets annoying. then i rub my eye and it gets all nasty. e-mail me some of your best answers!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there a way to prevent my eyelashes or hair particles from falling intoi my eye?
ok this sounds nasty but it works every morning put some vaseiline on your eyelashes just a little and like slightly pull them in the right direction ok G'luck
Is there a way to prevent my eyelashes or hair particles from falling intoi my eye?
also they make clear mascara...one of my best friends had that problem and clear mascara worked for her
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