Monday, October 5, 2009

Hair dying question.?

so... ive been dying a little piece of my hair a bright red... if faids after like a week or 2. soo, i was wonderinf if i could dye it every month with out frying my hair....or should i do it every 2 months? but when i do it every to months it comes out a wierd color. but i would rather have a wierd color then frying my hair.

Hair dying question.?

I have pink hair. I dye it every few weeks. What I use is called Manic Panic. Honestly it's amazing. I have been using it for about a year and my hair is definitely not "fried".

Here's the link to their hair dying page.

-if you want bright red i suggest vampire red

-I suggest the classic cream formula

good luck :D

Hair dying question.?

yer a reallyyyy confusing person o_0

Hair dying question.?

Are you looking for a longer lasting dye?

It sounds to me like you're using a kit that contains bleach and the red color. Generally those don't last long and they do fry your hair. If you want a longer lasting red I'd check out Special Effects hairdye. That stuff lasts really long if you prebleach your hair which it sounds like you do. If you go with a darker shade and your hair is light enough (brown and lighter) you won't have to bleach your hair.

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